byPauloM erson February/2002
If youarestarting tousePostgreSQL oryouwillmigratefrom Oracledatabaseserver,I hopethisdocumenthelps.If youhaveJava
OracleandPostgreSQL bothconform tostandardSQL .However,theycontainseveralextensionsandimplementationdetailsthat
differentiateonefrom theother.Themostimportantdifferencesarelistedinthisdocument.
If youhavecommentsaboutthisdocument,
1. SQ L Syntax,Functions,Sequences,Etc.
Oracle PostgreSQL
select sysdate from dual select ‘now’::datetime
UnlikeotherRDBM S,PostgreSQL allowsa“select”withoutthe
thesyntaxtogetcurrenttimeisalreadyDBM S specific.
CREATE SEQUENCE seqname [ INCREMENT BY integer ] CREATE SEQUENCE seqname [ INCREMENT increment ]
[ MINVALUE integer ] [ MAXVALUE integer ] [ MINVALUE minvalue ] [ MAXVALUE maxvalue ]
[ START WITH integer ] [ CACHE integer ] [ CYCLE | NOCYCLE ] [ START start ] [ CACHE cache ] [ CYCLE ]
Oracle’s“createsequence”hasotherargumentsnotlistedhereandnot If youdon’tspecifyM AX VAL UE,thenthemaximum valueis
supportedbyPostgreSQL ,butthemaindifferenceistheneedof ‘by’and 2147483647forascending sequences.
If youdon’tspecify”M AX VAL UE”orif youusetheparameter
“NOM AX VAL UE”,thentheactuallimitis10 .
Oracle PostgreSQL
Toreturnthecurrentvalueandincrementthecounter: Toreturnthecurrentvalueandincrementthecounter:
sequence_name.nextval; nextval(‘sequence_name’);
Possibleusageinaselectstatement: Possibleusageinaselectstatement
select sequence_name.nextval from dual; select nextval(‘sequence_name’);
NotethatunlikeotherRDBM S,PostgreSQL allowsaselectwithoutthe
syntaxisalreadyDBM S specific.
SELECT product_id, SELECT a,
DECODE (warehouse_id, 1, ’Southlake’, CASE WHEN a=1 THEN 'one'
2, ’San Francisco’, WHEN a=2 THEN 'two'
3, ’New Jersey’, ELSE 'other'
4, ’Seattle’, END
’Non-domestic’) FROM test
FROM inventories
select employeeid, select employeeid,
NVL(hire_date, sysdate) coalesce(hire_date, 'now'::datetime)
from employee from employee
where employeeid = 10; where employeeid = 10;
Oraclealsohasa“coalesce”functionthatisageneralizationof the
commonlyusedNVL function.
Outerjoin–“(+)” Doesn’tsupportouterjoin.Theworkaroundistouseaunion.
Hierarchicalqueries–“CONNE CT BY” Nothing similar
SELECT product_id FROM inventories SELECT product_id FROM inventories
SELECT product_id FROM order_items; SELECT product_id FROM order_items;
select unique col1, col2 from table1 select distinct col1, col2 from table1
InOracle“distinct”and“unique”keywordsaresynonymousintheselect PostgreSQL doesn’tallow “selectunique”.
Oracle PostgreSQL
Oraclerelationaloperatorsmayhaveaspacebetweenthecharacters.For PostgreSQL relationaloperatorsdoesn’tallow spaces,thecharactersthat
example,thefollowing selectwillwork: compoundanoperatormustbeconsecutivewhenthecommandis
select id,name from employee where id > = 10;
// There are spaces and tabs between “>” and “=” select id,name from employee where id >= 10;
Togettheremainderof thedivisionof 10by4(modulo)usethe“mod” Togettheremainderof thedivisionof 10by4(modulo)
function: usethe“%”operator.(AndPostgreSQL hasmanyotherarithmetic
select mod(10,4) from dual;
select 10 % 4;
The“ROW NUM ”pseudo-columnreturnsanumberindicating theorder Thereisn’tanythingequivalenttoOracleROW NUM.
However,youcanlimitthenumberof rowsreturnedbyaqueryusingthe
ROW NUM canbeusedtolimitthenumberof rowsreturnedbyaquery, “LIMIT”clause:
select * from employees order by name limit 10;
select * from employees where rownum < 10 order by name;
Insomecases,it’spossiblethatthepseudo-columnOID maysubstitute
ROW NUM canbeusedintheprojectionasoneof thevaluesreturnedby ROW NUM ,althoughtheyhavedifferentbehavior.OID isaunique
thequery(firstlinehasvalue1,secondlinevalue2,andsoon): identifierof eachlinepertable,whileROW NUM isalways1,2,…,N
select rownum, name from employees order by name;
select oid, name from employees order by name;
AndthequerythatusesROW NUM canhavejointables.If yourselectis
ajoinyou’llhaveadifferentOID foreachtable,becauseeachonehasan
OID column.
Oracle PostgreSQL
A view canbe“updatable”if someconditionsaresatisfied. Viewsarereadonly.
Oracle PostgreSQL
Transactionsareinitiatedimplicitly. BE GIN –initiatesatransactiondisabling thedefaultbehavior,
Tables,viewsandotherobjectscanbelogicallygroupedin Thereisnoschemasupport,butit’splannedforafutureversion.
“schemas”.A schemausuallymapstotheusernameof theuserthat
thespecific databaseandusethatconnectiontoexecuteyourSQL
select * from mySchema.myTable;
However,if youhaveaSQL statementthatusestablesindifferent
(Oracle)schemas,youcannotuseseparate(PostgreSQL )databases;
Interactivecommandprompttool: Interactivecommandprompttool:
SQL *Plus psql
Oraclepermissionsaregranted/revokedto/from usersorroles.You PostgreSQL permissionsaregranted/revokedto/from usersor
cancreaterolesandgrant/revokerolesto/from users.Butyoucan groups.Youcancreategroupsandthenalterthegroups
“create”and“alter”groupstoinsertandremoveusers. inserting/removingusers.
Bydefault,apasswordisalwaysrequiredtoconnecttothedatabase. Bydefault,youcanconnecttothedatabasesimplybyspecifying the
databasename,nouserID andpasswordarerequired.
Youshouldfollow theinstructionsintheAdministrator’sGuideto
configurethepg_hba.conf fileinordertousepassword
3.Data Typesand JDBC
Oracle JDBC PostgreSQL JDBC
NUMBER(p) where p is the precision, i.e., the getByte SMALLINT - 2 bytes getShort
number of digits getShort
INTEGER - 4 bytes getInt
getLong BIGINT - 8 bytes getLong
NUMBER(p,s) where p is the total number of getDouble NUMERIC(p,s) getBigDecimal
digits and s is the number of digits to the getBigDecimal
right of the decimal point REAL – 4 bytes, 6 decimal places getDouble
DOUBLE PRECISION – 8 bytes, 15 decimal places getDouble
Nothing similar SERIAL - 0 to +2147483647, typically used to getInt
create unique identifiers. Generates an
implicit sequence that is incremented when a
line is inserted in the table.
VARCHAR2(size) where maximum size is 4000 getString CHARACTER VARYING(n) where maximum n is 1 GB getString
VARCHAR(n) is an alias
CHAR(size) where maximum size is 2000 getString CHARACTER(n) where maximum n is 1 GB getString
CHAR(n) is an alias
It’s suggested that you use TEXT if n > 10 MB
LONG - Character data of variable length up to getString TEXT – variable length up to 1 GB getString
2 GB It’s suggested that you use TEXT if n > 10 MB
DATE – holds date and time getDate TIMESTAMP getTimestamp
getTime You still can use getDate to read a TIMESTAMP
getTimestamp column, but you will loose the time portion of
the data.
TIMESTAMP oracle.sql.
Nothing similar DATE – holds only the date (resolution is one getDate
Nothing similar TIME – holds only the time (00:00:00.00 – getTime
Oracle JDBC PostgreSQL JDBC
RAW(size) – binary data of length size bytes getBytes BYTEA getBytes
(max 2000)
LONG RAW – binary data or variable length up
to 2GB
Nothing similar BIT(n) – fixed length string of 1’s and 0’s (?)
BIT VARYING(n) – variable length string of 1’s
and 0’s
CLOB – character large object (max 4GB) getClob TEXT (max 1GB) getString
BLOB – binary large object (max 4GB) getBlob BYTEA (max 1GB) getBytes
BYTEA is not documented in PostgreSQL 7.1 but
it’s fully implemented; Jdbc 7.2-1.2 is
required though in order to use getBytes and
Besides TEXT and BYTEA, PostgreSQL supports
large objects as separate files. They are
stored in a separate table in a special
format, and are referred to from regular
tables by an OID value. More information:
ROWID oracle.sql. Nothing similar
Nothing similar BOOLEAN – can have the value TRUE, FALSE or getBoolean
Typically, char(1) is used to store a value NULL
that is translated to Boolean in the If you store '0' and '1' in a varchar(1) or
application logic. char(1) column, then the jdbc driver can
If you store '0' and '1' in a varchar2(1) or correctly interpret these values as boolean
char column, then the jdbc driver can false an true respectively using
correctly interpret these values as boolean ResultSet.getBoolean. However,
false an true respectively using PreparedStatement.setBoolean simply does not
ResultSet.getBoolean and work.
PreparedStatement.setBoolean If you use PostgreSQL BOOLEAN, then your Java
code can use getBoolean and setBoolean.
Oracle Spatial features ? Geometric data types: POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, org.
geometric. *
Oracle JDBC PostgreSQL JDBC
Nothing similar Network address data types: INET, MACADDR, (?)
JDBC note:TypicallyPreparedStatement.setXxx isusedtosetthevalueof arguments(or“host”variables)insideSQL statements.
AndthereisacorrespondentResultSet.getXxx methodtoreadthevaluereturnedbyaqueryintojavavariables.E achget/setXXX
methodhasaspecific Javadatatypeorclassassociatedtoit(e.g.set/getInt dealswithint;set/getDate dealswith
method.Forexample,aBIGINT columncanbereadwithgetShort,getInt,getLong,getDouble,etc.,buttherecommendedmethod
So,toindicatetheproperwaytouseeachdatatypeinJavaI simplylistedtherecommendedgetXxx JDBC method.
4.O therConsiderations:
• Thesetof operatorsandSQL functionsisverysimilarthoughOraclehasaricherset.Forexample,bothDBM S havetheconcatenation
operator“||”,aswellassubstr,upper,to_char andotherfunctionswiththesamesyntax.However,anyOraclefunctionthatisbeing
usedmusthaveitssyntaxcomparedtotheequivalentfunctioninPostgreSQL ,if suchexists.
• PostgreSQL lackstheabilitytoqueryacrossmultipledatabases.
• PostgreSQL ’sPL /pgSQL issimilartoOraclePL /SQL andcanbeusedtowritestoredfunctions.PostgreSQL doesn’thavepackagesor
procedures(onlyfunctions).M oreaboutthis:
• BothDBM S havetriggersandthecreate trigger statementissimilar,butthecodeexecutedbythetriggerforPostgreSQL mustbe
inastoredfunctionwrittenbytheuser,whileinOracleyouhavetheoptionof writing thecodeinaPL /SQL blockinthecreate
trigger statement.PostgreSQL hasyetanadditionalresourcecalledthe“rulesystem”thatallowsthedefinitionof businesslogic that
• Thecreate table statementissimilarinbothDBM S.OnenoticeabledifferenceisthatPostgreSQL doesn’thavepctfree,
pctused,inittrans,andmaxtrans clauses.Theyalsodifferinthecreate database statement,mainlyintheargumentsand
• Oracle9idocumentation-
• PostgreSQL documentation-
• “OracletoPostgreConversion”-
• “PostgreSQL JDBC 2.0compliance”-
• Animportantsourceof informationisthePostgreSQL mailing lists:
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